MicroAmes24 is a ready to use kit including strains, media, ampicillin, booster solution to run the Ames Test in a miniaturized format. Positive controls and rat liver S9 preparations can be chosen separately. Bacteria are exposed to different and low concentrations of a test sample, 6 mg/ strain, as well as a positive and a negative control in a medium containing limited quantities of histidine (S. typhimurium) to support approximately two cell divisions. After exposure, the cultures in each condition (negative control, test samples and positive controls) are poured in 24 well plates. Exposure is performed in absence and presence of S9 which mimics the effect of the chemical after metabolisation with rat liver post mitochondrial S9 fraction. Within three days, cells that have undergone reversion to amino acid prototrophy will grow and form colonies whose counts will be compared to those grown in the solvent (negative) control wells. A dose-dependent and significant increase in the number of revertant colonies upon exposure to test sample relative to the solvent controls indicates that the sample is mutagenic. To complete the MicroAmes24 Testkit, please add:
- Aroclor 1254 induced lyophilized rat liver S9, 1 mL (PRS-AC01),
- 2 mL (PRS-AC02) Phenobarbital/β-Naphtoflavone induced lyophilized rat liver S9, 1 mL (PRS-PB01),
- 2 ml (PRS-PB02) 2-Nitrofluorene (2-NF),
- 20 µg, PPC-NF00 2-Aminoanthracene (2-AA),
- 100 µg, PPC-AA01 4-Nitroquinoline-N-oxide (4-NQO),
- 50 µg, PPC-NQ02 S9 Cofactor Kit (Art.No. PCO-0800) for preparation of S9 Mix Also available,
- A10-210 Ames MPF 98/100 without positive controls and S9,
- A10-210-S2-P Ames 98/100 with S9 induced by PB/β-Naphtoflavone induced rat liver S9,
- Ames MPF 98/100 Aqua for environmental water samples,
- Ready to use 5 Strain kits Ames MPF Penta 1 and Penta 2,
- Individual Reagents, such as rat liver S9 strongly recommended over Aroclor induced S9, Aroclor being a strong environmental polutant and on the EC list of banned chemicals.